Friends of Nambale
Encouraging self-sustainability for the Nambale Magnet School and the community of Nambale

Friends of Nambale
Encouraging self-sustainability for the Nambale Magnet School and the community of Nambale
Please Join Us By Becoming A Sustaining Sponsor!
Nambale Magnet School educates over 400 children a year – many who are orphaned and vulnerable — in the region of Nambale, Kenya. Self-sustainability of the school is critical for the long term longevity and future of these children.
Become a Sustaining Sponsor today!
- Full Tuition Sponsor: $80/month provides a student with tuition, room and board, all school supplies and medical care and expenses
- Room & Board Sponsor: $40/month provides a student with room and board
- Supporting Sponsor: $20/month helps fill in any funding gaps
Choose a sponsorship level below.
Nambale Magnet School educates over 400 children a year – many who are orphaned and vulnerable. Self-sustainability of the school is critical for the long term longevity and future of these children. It also adds jobs for the surrounding community. By contributing beehives and pomegranate trees (bees & trees) or giving to the staff support fund, you are supporting the future and success of Nambale’s community and the Nambale Magnet School. Please consider donating today.
Meet Reverend Evalyn Wakhusama founder of Nambale Magnet School in a community devastated by the HIV/AIDS crisis in rural western Kenya. Evalyn came to the US to pursue her MDiv at Yale University and pledged to change the lives of the children of Nambale by providing a top-notch education. All this in an area where many children are orphaned or otherwise vulnerable because of the lack of infrastructure and basic needs. Even the “best off” families live a subsistence life. The school is now in it’s 10th year having graduated 82 students on to high school, and is ever growing with a current enrollment of 415 students ages 3 to 15.
Evalyn and her team are striving towards self-sustainability for the school through farming and agriculture, providing milk, eggs and greens for the students as well as providing eggs to the community for sale. The school has recently acquired two and a half acres to house beehives behind Nambale Magnet School’s farm which will provide honey for sale — an important revenue source for the school. They need the right kind of plants around them which creates the wonderful symbiotic relationship of honey and fruit!

Friends of Nambale
A non-profit 501c(3) organization.